TeX 1995 July
TeX CD-ROM July 1995 (Disc 1)(Walnut Creek)(1995).ISO
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Text File
106 lines
Welcome to abc2mtex Version 1.3
abc2mtex contains the following files:-
README -- this file
Changes -- changes between this version and version 1.0
usrguide.tex -- userguide in LaTeX
index.tex -- guide to indexing in LaTeX
Makefile -- makefile
abc.c -- C code to format abc notation
fields.c -- C code to format other tune information
tex.c -- C code to output MusicTeX
index.c -- C code to index your tune database
sort_in.c -- C code to sort the index
search.c -- C code to search your tune database
index.h -- C code header for indexing
index.fmt -- example index format file
header.tex -- a header file for the MusicTeX output
header1.tex -- a new header file with a customised format
Xenglish.abc }
Xjigs.abc } -- example tune files.
Xreels.abc }
Xstrspys.abc }
Additional related files you may find at an ftp site (e.g. celtic.stanford.edu
in /pub/tunes/abc2mtex) are:
abc2mtex1.3.tar.gz -- the whole package tarred and gzipped for UNIX users
INTRO.txt -- an ascii introduction to abc
INTRO.html -- a hypertext introduction to abc
(e.g. URL http://celtic.stanford.edu/pub/tunes/abc2mtex/INTRO.html)
PaddyORafferty.gif -- example tune inlined into INTRO.html
abc.txt -- the rules of abc notation in ascii
(a cut down version of the usrguide)
usrguide.ps -- a compiled PostScript version of the usrguide
abc2mtex.exe }
search.exe } -- executables compiled for PCs
sort_in.exe }
The package was originally written for UNIX machines and is probably
easiest to use on them. All such machines should have a C compiler and are
likely, especially in educational establishments, to have TeX/LaTeX already
installed (if not, it can be obtained by anonymous ftp from ftp.wustl.edu in
packages/TeX). MusicTeX, the only other requirement, can be obtained from
various ftp sites such as celtic.stanford.edu in /pub/tunes/Music.TeX,
ftp.wustl.edu in /packages/TeX/macros/musictex or
ftp.gmd.de in /music/musictex.
If you have a UNIX machine you then only need the file abc2mtex1.3.tar.gz.
Download it then type:
zcat abc2mtex1.3.tar.gz | tar xvf -
To read the usrguide you need the MusicTeX macro packages musicpre.tex
musictex.tex, musicnft.tex, musictrp.tex, musicvbm.tex, musicpos.tex and
musictex.sty. Make sure that they are available to TeX as input files
(either put them in this directory or use the environment variable TEXINPUTS).
Then "latex usrguide.tex" twice. Everything else is explained there (except
indexing which is described in "index.tex" - "latex index.tex").
Alternatively, the Ceolas ftp site (celtic.stanford.edu in pub/tunes/abc2mtex)
contains a ready compiled postscript version, usrguide.ps.
For PC users, I have compiled the code using a Turbo C 2.0 compiler.
The three PC executable files are abc2mtex.exe, sort_in.exe & search.exe
which should be available at the Ceolas ftp site. Most things should work as
described in the documentation, although you will not be able to use the
'make' command and I believe that DOS will not interpret *.abc as "all files
with a .abc extension" when it is used as as command line input to the
program. To get hold of TeX, the package emTeX for PCs can be obtained from
the TeX Users Group, P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, USA. (email
TUG@TUG.org) and MusicTeX from the same ftp sites as above. Alternatively,
Alan Ng has stripped everything you need from TeX and MusicTeX and put them
in one package, tex2dvi.zip, available by anonymous ftp (celtic.stanford.edu
in pub/tunes/tex2dvi.zip).
Mac users will have to get hold of a C compiler (though if you have
one and can compile the executables it would be nice if you could submit the
executable to the ftp site you got the package from). To get hold of TeX,
the package OzTeX (for Macs) can be obtained from the TeX Users Group,
address above.
A program written by Don Ward to play tunes (which are written in the
abc format) on the built in speaker of a Sparc workstation is available by
anonymous ftp from celtic.stanford.edu in /pub/tunes/playabc-1.0.tar.Z .
It also plays sounds on NeXT, PC-Un*x, Silicon Graphics, modern X terminals ...
basically on any sound-capable system where yacc/lex are available.
The following version numbers are (I believe) fully compatible
Other version combinations should be mostly compatible.
abc2mtex playabc musictex
1.0 1.0 -> 4.98
1.1 1.0 -> 4.98
1.2 1.1 4.98 -> 5.04
1.3 1.1 4.98 -> 5.06
Have fun,
Chris Walshaw